juliagonzo Hi! I'm curious if there is way to export the data .csv with the ppm and the associated error in separate columns in Iolite 4. This would be super helpful and I know was possible in Iolite 3, thanks.
Bence juliagonzo If you export your data via the Export tab on the left, selecting the CSV option (instead of Excel), and checking at least one of the Standard Error options, you will get the mean in one column and the error in another
juliagonzo Oh yes, I forgot I had switched to exporting as an excel file because Iolite has crashed every time I've tried to export a csv. Do you know why that might be happening?
Bence Iolite has crashed every time I've tried to export a csv. No, we haven't received any reports of a crash associated with exporting csvs. Can you please send us an example .io4 file where this occurs? Many thanks!
juliagonzo Thanks so much for your help! I just sent an example file to support@iolite-software.com, hopefully that is the appropriate email.