I have been unable to open Iolite 4 session files after moving them from a local computer hard disk to an internal server used by my institution. I get the following message when I try to open the files after they have been moved:
Couldn't open session: N:\Lab\ICP-MS\Graham arbeidsområde\Yanbo Hf contract\2021-02-04-zircon Hf\sample_sequence2.io4, Unable to open file directory:\nameofile.io4 (File accessibilty) Unable to open file
I modified the directory and file name for confidentiality. Anyway, it does not seem to be a problem when the file is moved between local drives (e.g., when I move the file from a flash drive to the harddrive of another computer with Iolite, it opens with not problem), only when opened from a remote server (my institutions internal server of Microsoft OneDrive). If I move the files from a remote server back to the local drive (or flash drive) of the computer I am running Iolite with, it opens fine. There seems to be a problem opening files that are hosted somewhere else than the local computer used to run Iolite. I don't want to transfer files back and forth all the time. Any other suggestions?