When loading an Agilent batch folders using iolite v.4.5.4 or later, it can appear that iolite has stopped working (or works very slowly). This is because iolite is checking whether it can importer all the .xml files in the batch folder to see if they are Neoma data files. Each file requires a check, and prints a message to the Messages View. If the batch folder is large enough, this can really slow down import.
To avoid this, you can disable the new Neoma import module (that is, if you don't have a Neoma instrument) by going to iolite's Tool's menu -> Plugins -> Manage, and deselecting the DRS, QAQC and UI options in the top left. This will then only show the importer plugins in the list on the left hand side of the window. In that list, select the Neoma importer and click the Diable button (shown below). This will disable the Neoma importer but not delete it. You can re-enable it in the same way if you need it later on.

This should significantly speed up batch folder imports. Please let us know if this doesn't work for you or if you have any questions.