Hi Bence,
it's been a while so here I go again. I am currently exploring in-situ Lu-Hf isochrons in gnt, and there are a lot of problems coming from the low cps on Hf. If a timeslice contains zero cps for the denominator isotope then my calculated ratios go to infinity. I can filter them out by defining a mask of say 1 cps for that isotope. However, it seems that the error correlations do still include those extreme outliers. I calculate rho like this:
def calcRho1(s):
Lu176_Hf177s = data.timeSeries("Lu176_Hf177").dataForSelection(s)
Hf176_177s = data.timeSeries("Hf176_177").dataForSelection(s)
rho1 = np.corrcoef(Hf176_177s, Lu176_Hf177s, rowvar=False)
res1 = Result(rho1[0,1], 0.001, 'ratio', 'rho Hf176_177 v LuHf')
return res1
Can you tell me if .dataForSelection(s) is mask filtered or not? If not, how do I correctly use the mask?
Cheers, kai