sparks9 Hello, Is there a way to change the listed parameters (namely to view the 208/232 age) in Live Concordia with VizualAge? Thanks, Stephanie
Joe Hi Stephanie, There is no way to change it, but I'll add the 208/232 age. As an alternative, you could simultaneously open a "hover stats" plot from the tools menu and set that to show any channel. All the best, Joe
sparks9 OK, thanks. Is there a way to change which Concordia plot is used. I'd also like to see how common Pb corrections affect Concordia in real time. Thanks, Stephanie
Joe You can configure the plot via the right-click menu. Here you can switch between Wetherill/Tera-Wasserburg and toggle on common Pb corrections. Note that the common Pb corrections must actually be calculated before they will show up.