Hi Joe/Bence,
We obtain LA-ICP-TOF-MS data from biological samples frequently. We also have made gelatin standards spiked with multiple elemental which we know the concentrations from by running the samples through QQQ-ICP-MS.
From QQQ-ICP-MS, we obtain 1 value per element regardless of isotope. First question is.. Is there a way to specify concentration for each isotope when making reference standard?
Second question is, LA-ICP-TOF-MS collects extractions/pixels which is then translated into rasters of lines. We collect 5 to 10 raster lines from standards. We then tell the Iolite that these lines are either 1ppm reference or 10ppm reference, for example. Under QA/QC Element check, you have the "Accepted" value, which we obtain from QQQ, and then we have the "Measured". I want to understand how the "Measured" is calculated....
Third, not sure if this is question for people that owns Tofwerk, but what is Totalbeam measuring?
I recently discovered these features and would love to understand how the output is generated.
Thank you so so much!!