I'm not entirely clear on what exactly some of the settings in the VizualAge UComPbine DRS mean and it would be great if you could shed light on this. For common Pb composition, there is the option to choose Reference Material (which I assume takes the Pbc from the Iolite ref material file) or Stacey-Kramers (does that calculate the Pbc composition based on the age of the ref material?).
The next choice is the 207Pb/206Pb reference. This is clearcut if you have measured NIST or something to use, but what do the options "Factor" and "Same" do? And if you choose "Factor", the you have to choose a value with the default being 1.0. These terms ring a bell from the old Iolite3 Common Approach DRS, but I can no longer access that webinar.
thank you,
(University of Texas at Austin)