Hi Freya,
You could do this via the Calculator (in the Channels menu). I would create a new channel of smoothed values. To do that, in the Calculator create a new channel called "Ba/Ca_smoothed". The expression part would be:
convolve(Ba135_Ca, ones(5,"d") / 5.0, mode="valid")
This will apply a five point smooth. If you wanted to change the number of points smoothed over, change the "5" in the ones() call, and in the divisor "/ 5.0". For example, to create a 10 point smooth, use this:
convolve(Ba135_Ca, ones(10,"d") / 10.0, mode="valid")
Note that in the Calculator, you have to remove "/" characters and replace them with an underscore, hence changing "Ba135/Ca" to "Ba135_Ca" above.
If you have any troubles with that, please let me know.
Kind regards,