I agree that adding more style options to the export would be useful. In the meantime, it is relatively easy to change the size of the "image" relative to the fonts and ticks with a couple of python commands. For example,
from iolite.QtCore import QSettings
QSettings().setValue("Imaging/ImageLongLength", 500)
would make the fonts and ticks 3 times larger (the default value is 1500). Note that you would only need to do this once and the change would persist for all sessions. It is not necessarily recommended to change this value, but I think it will do what you want without many side effects 🙂
I have tried opening the pdfs in Preview on Mac, Acrobat, Graphic, Affinity Designer, Inkscape, and a trial version of Corel Draw 2020. The only program that has a problem is Corel Draw. However, I did notice that if I open the pdf in Inkspace (which is free) and save the pdf, you can open that pdf in Corel Draw. So, if you must use Corel Draw, you might be able to resave/convert the iolite pdf outputs to one that works in Corel Draw via 3rd party tools.
No, each pixel does not have uncertainty and LOD data. I suppose for cell space images you could have an uncertainty/LOD for pixels that are derived from multiple time-slices, but in many cases there is only 1 time-slice contributing to a pixel and so the uncertainty and LOD does not make much sense.
All the best,