I would love to see the possibility of exporting the matrices used to generate the images in a format that could be opened in iogas so that I can more easily look at the graphs of the data.
One of the reasons for this wish is that it would make it much easier to figure out which criteria to use to define the various regions, since within iogas one can plot all of the data on any number of X-Y or triangle graphs and assign colour-coding, or shapes, or sizes to selected data points, and have those colours apply to the same points on every other graph so that one can see at a glance which is which.
Therefore I could generate the images, export to iogas, define the regions there, and then use those values to return to iogas and define corresponding regions there, which could then be exported from the Imaging data table tab and appended to the original iogas file for the sample to confirm that the composition of the region is compatible with the range of compositions of the various data points contained within the region.
The exported file for igoas would need to be a single file that contains a single row of data for each location, which would contain the X and Y values for that location (in the laser coordinates is great, but it would also work to just call the locations (1,1), (1, 2), (1,3), etc. whichever is easier to program is fine by me) and the composition of that location for every channel (or every channel that has an active image in iolite).
Is this something that can be added as an iolite built in feature? Or is this something that someone else has already done the python programming for, that they would be willing to share, and I can just add it as a plug-in?
Bonus points if it automatically adds the name of the user defined region to which that point belongs (if any have been defined before exporting). However, how that would work with the fact that regions sometimes overlap, I am not certain...