Bence Bence, thank you very much for your prompt answers and help 😃 ,Maybe due to the language, my statement may not be very clear 😃 ,I have currently export the data to an excel file. Although each value in the file is in a different column, the format I want is to output all the values one by one, and then output the error below values, and then output the LODs one by one with a few blank lines below the LODs is similar to the one published in the article, I don’t know if you can understand it, or I’ll cut a picture for you

    4 days later

    Hi chenhongjun

    Yes, it is definitely possible, but it would require a custom export script. This is a good example for the iolite python course, if you wanted to write your own?

    Or we could write it for you, but it would take a little while as we're running the python course from next week. Whichever works best for you...

      4 days later

      Bence 😅 😄 Dear Bence,Maybe I don’t know how to write this script, thank you for your patience to answer it, and please help me see it when you’re done. :

      2 months later

      Bence 😀 Hi,Bence,I don't know if you are free and can help me to write a script at present :

      Hi @chenhongjun ,

      Yes, I can help you write the script. I'll make a start on it and contact you via email. I'll post the result here too, when it's done.


        Bence Thank you very much, you are very enthusiastic and help me answer a lot of questions 😄

        Sorry for the delay in getting this to you, but here is a script that you can run to export data in the format you wanted (mean; 1sd; LOD).

        You can copy and paste the following into iolite's Python Workspace and click Save As... to save it as a script. You can also call it from the Export View -> Export Script.

        Please test it and let me know if you find any problems 😊


        import pandas as pd
        from iolite.QtGui import QFileDialog
        from iolite.QtCore import QDir
        import sys
        def getValuesDF(mode):
            Returns a pandas data frame for all selections in all groups (except
            The value for each selection to be returned is based on mode:
            Mean: mean of selection
            OneSD: uncertainty as 1 SD
            LOD: LOD (currently just Longerich value)
            Returns pandas dataframe with columns as channels, and each row as a
            NOTE: The headers are un-named in the returned dataframe. This makes it
            easier to concat/append dataframes
            df = pd.DataFrame()
            selNames = []
            for group in data.selectionGroupList():
                if group.type == data.Baseline:
                for sel in group.selections():
                    if mode == 'Mean':
                        res = [data.result(sel, ch).value() for ch in data.timeSeriesList(data.Output)]
                    elif mode == 'OneSD':
                        res = [data.result(sel, ch).uncertainty("Basic", "AbsOneStdDev") for ch in data.timeSeriesList(data.Output)]
                    elif mode == 'LOD':
                        res = [data.result(sel, ch).longerichLOD() for ch in data.timeSeriesList(data.Output)]
                        print("ERROR: mode argument must be one of \"Mean\", \"OneSD\", or \"LOD\"")
                    df[] = res
            # Now transpose it so that each selection is a row instead of a column
            df = df.transpose()
            # And add the sel name as column
            df.insert(0, 'Name', selNames)
            return df
        df_vals = getValuesDF('Mean')
        df_vals = df_vals.append(pd.Series(), ignore_index=True)
        df_unc = getValuesDF('OneSD')
        df_unc = df_unc.append(pd.Series(), ignore_index=True)
        df_lod = getValuesDF('LOD')
        df_final = pd.concat([df_vals, df_unc, df_lod])
        # Add the column headings:
        headers = [ for channel in data.timeSeriesList(data.Output)]
        headers.insert(0, 'Selection Name')
        df_final.set_axis(headers, axis=1, inplace=True)
        fname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None, "Save Export Data", QDir.homePath(), "CSV Files (*.csv")
        if fname:
            df_final.to_csv(fname, index=False)
            print(f"Saved to {fname}")

          Bence Thank you very much for taking the time to help me write this script, I tried to export the data according to the method you said, but the software prompts an error, I don't know the reason 😃

          🤔 I may have been wrong about using it in the Export View -> Export Script.

          Can you please try it in the Python Workspace?

            Bence 😀Hi Bence,i have tried it in the Python Workspace But it seems that there are some problems, and the file is not exported. Sorry, I am not familiar with Python and don't know what causes this situation.

            That's interesting. There must be something about your dataset that I hadn't thought of. Would you mind sending me a copy of the dataset that is causing this issue, and I'll fix it for you?

            Many thanks in advance,

              Bence Thank you very much, Bence, I found that I have this problem with different batches of data. I selected two sets of data and sent them to the iolite support mailbox, please check 😃

              5 days later

              Yes, sorry. I hope to post an update tomorrow. 😀

              Hi chenhongjun ,

              Sorry for the delay in updating this. I have found the problem. Here is an updated version. Please let me know if you have any troubles with it:

              import pandas as pd
              from iolite.QtGui import QFileDialog
              from iolite.QtCore import QDir
              import sys
              def getValuesDF(mode):
                  Returns a pandas data frame for all selections in all groups (except
                  The value for each selection to be returned is based on mode:
                  Mean: mean of selection
                  OneSD: uncertainty as 1 SD
                  LOD: LOD (currently just Longerich value)
                  Returns pandas dataframe with columns as channels, and each row as a
                  NOTE: The headers are un-named in the returned dataframe. This makes it
                  easier to concat/append dataframes
                  df = pd.DataFrame()
                  selNames = []
                  for group in data.selectionGroupList():
                      if group.type == data.Baseline:
                      counter = 1
                      for sel in group.selections():
                          if mode == 'Mean':
                              res = [data.result(sel, ch).value() for ch in data.timeSeriesList(data.Output)]
                          elif mode == 'OneSD':
                              res = [data.result(sel, ch).uncertainty("Basic", "AbsOneStdDev") for ch in data.timeSeriesList(data.Output)]
                          elif mode == 'LOD':
                              res = [data.result(sel, ch).longerichLOD() for ch in data.timeSeriesList(data.Output)]
                              print("ERROR: mode argument must be one of \"Mean\", \"OneSD\", or \"LOD\"")
                          if in df.columns:
                              this_sel_name = + '_' + str(counter)
                              counter += 1
                              this_sel_name =
                          df[this_sel_name] = res
                  # Now transpose it so that each selection is a row instead of a column
                  df = df.transpose()
                  # And add the sel name as column
                  df.insert(0, 'Name', selNames)
                  return df
              df_vals = getValuesDF('Mean')
              df_vals = df_vals.append(pd.Series(), ignore_index=True)
              df_unc = getValuesDF('OneSD')
              df_unc = df_unc.append(pd.Series(), ignore_index=True)
              df_lod = getValuesDF('LOD')
              df_final = pd.concat([df_vals, df_unc, df_lod])
              # Add the column headings:
              headers = [ for channel in data.timeSeriesList(data.Output)]
              headers.insert(0, 'Selection Name')
              df_final.set_axis(headers, axis=1, inplace=True)
              fname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None, "Save Export Data", QDir.homePath(), "CSV Files (*.csv")
              if fname:
                  df_final.to_csv(fname, index=False)
                  print(f"Saved to {fname}")
