Regarding the conversion to CPS data, instead of adding it to the DRS, it might be easier to run a simple python script after importing your data. You can copy the code below and paste it in to a blank text file, and save it as something like "". You can then open it in iolite's Python Workspace and click run (after importing your data) and it'll convert it to CPS data. You can edit the dwell times in the script (second line) to match your setup. Just make sure that the dwell times are in the same order as the channel names (first line).
ch_names = ['Pb206', 'Pb207', 'Pb208', 'Th232', 'U238']
dts = [0.01, 0.02, 0.005, 0.03, 0.01]
for ch, dt in zip(ch_names, dts):
c = data.timeSeries(ch)
d /= dt
c.setProperty('Units', 'CPS')
c.setProperty('Dwell time', dt)
Please let us know if you have any troubles with it.
Regarding the std corrected U238/Pb206 ratios: I have added it to the geochron and UComPbine DRSs. The change will be available in the next release. After updating, please let us know if you spot any issues.
Kind regards,