It is not built-in at this time, but you could try a script something like below to work out the ROI error correlations:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
channel_pairs = {
'Wetherill': ('Final Pb206/U238', 'Final Pb207/U235'),
'Tera-Wasserburg': ('Final U238/Pb206', 'Final Pb207/Pb206')
df = pd.DataFrame(index=[roi.name() for roi in imaging.rois()], columns=channel_pairs.keys())
for name in channel_pairs:
x_name = channel_pairs[name][0]
y_name = channel_pairs[name][1]
for roi in imaging.rois():
x_data = data.timeSeries(x_name).data()[roi.mask()]
y_data = data.timeSeries(y_name).data()[roi.mask()]
mask = (x_data > 0) & (y_data > 0)
df[name][roi.name()] = np.corrcoef(x_data[mask], y_data[mask])[0,1]
Paste that into the python workspace and run it. This will work them out and put it on the clipboard to be pasted elsewhere as a table with ROI as rows and different error correlations as columns.
All the best,