Hi there,

I've done a bunch of line traverses across thin sections, with each line crossing multiple minerals (like quartz, k-feldspar, muscovite and apatite) as one sample. I was wondering if there is a way to highlight particular sections in the time series and apply an attribute/label such as Muscovite-Rim, or Quartz, or Transition?

My goal is to use this for the internal standards and also characterise the minerals so I can summarise the trace element concentrations of the different minerals in the rock. I've seen in the Trace Elements Webinar that Internal Standard Criteria could be used, but for the transition/overlap in data from one mineral to the next, I was hoping to manually select the time series corresponding to thin section photos.

Nick Parr (QUT)

    Hi NickParr

    I would do this via selections: you could create selections that cover the areas you want to specify, and then for those selections you can set the internal standard etc.

    You can use the Automatic Selections tool in the Selections menu to make your selections based on count rates etc, if that helps?

    Please let us know if that doesn't achieve what you're after.
