hi all, it seems that some users experienced other problems with their laserlog files, however, no one seems to have reported on this particular issue. Maybe I start with our instrument setup: an agilent 7900 coupled to an ESI Laser. We generate laser log files, however, they are clearly time offset from our icpms files (i.e., sometimes the time between two analyses is not identical in the laser log and icpms file: while the laser records a longer interval, the icpms file records a shorter interval between two analyses and synchronization of the two is impossible); This is just speculative but I guess this could be related to re-starting an analysis in the agilent software, which probably keeps the original timestamp, while the laser produces a new timestamp? Anyway, this means that I cannot use the laser log files.
In the previous Iolite version (which I have used until now) I could make selections using the source file names of the icpms data. However, this does not work in Iolite 4, where the data do not have a sample name and therefore, I cannot use the auto selections option. Is there any possibility to add a sample name to the icpms data manually in Iolite4?
Many thanks for your help! Cheers, Daniela