The error correlation of X vs Y is the same as Y vs X:

So, I suspect that the ellipses are not matching for some other reason. Have you tried using the IsoplotR -> Send data menu item? When I use that I can't spot any differences between the two:

Maybe you're plotting one with propagated error and one with the internal error (configurable in VizualAge via the right click menu, in export settings and in IsoplotR settings)? Or maybe the format of the data you're copying in is not what IsoplotR is expecting (you can configure the data format in the IsoplotR options)?
If you'd still like to calculate an error correlation from the measurements, you can do that as:

(from Schmitz, Mark D., and Blair Schoene. "Derivation of isotope ratios, errors, and error correlations for U‐Pb geochronology using 205Pb‐235U‐(233U)‐spiked isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometric data." Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 8, no. 8 (2007).)
I'm not sure what you're referring to when you ask what does your ratios being > 1 imply... Can you please clarify that if it is still relevant?
All the best,