Recently, I need to process some data. But I am unable to successfully import the data into the software(Iolite 4). Could you please tell me what I should do? I greatly appreciate your help.


    godslibrary After uploading, the file format changed from CSV to TXT. You may need to manually change the file name to CSV.

    Hi @godslibrary

    That file looks like an old format Agilent file... is that correct?

    The reason it is not being loaded into iolite is that it doesn't contain a timestamp, so iolite doesn't know where to place it in time (and if you had more than one file, they would all overlap).

    Have you tried the approach outline here:

    Kind regards,


      Thank you for your prompt response. This document is from the Agilent 7500. I will try this method right away.

      Best wishes