There is no way to use different reference materials for different U-Pb ratios using the built in DRS all in one shot. You could, of course, process the data with one RM, export the data, then process it with a different RM, export the data a second time, and then make a composite dataset. You could also streamline this process by either setting up a processing template or using a python script. A python script to do the job might look something like below:
import pandas as pd
from iolite.QtGui import QFileDialog
drs = data.dataReductionScheme('U-Pb Geochronology')
s = drs.settings()
s['DefaultFitType'] = 'Linear'
s['ReferenceMaterial'] = 'Z_91500'
groups = data.selectionGroupList(data.ReferenceMaterial | data.Sample)
names = [ for g in groups for s in g.selections()]
Pb68 = [data.result(s, data.timeSeries('Final Pb206/U238')).value() for g in groups for s in g.selections()]
Pb68_2se = [data.result(s, data.timeSeries('Final Pb206/U238')).uncertaintyAs2SE() for g in groups for s in g.selections()]
s['ReferenceMaterial'] = 'Z_Plesovice'
Pb75 = [data.result(s, data.timeSeries('Final Pb207/U235')).value() for g in groups for s in g.selections()]
Pb75_2se = [data.result(s, data.timeSeries('Final Pb207/U235')).uncertaintyAs2SE() for g in groups for s in g.selections()]
rho = [data.associatedResult(s, 'rho 206Pb/238U v 207Pb/235U').value() for g in groups for s in g.selections()]
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Name': names,
'Final Pb206/U238': Pb68,
'Final Pb206/U238_2SE(int)': Pb68_2se,
'Final Pb207/U235': Pb75,
'Final Pb207/U235_2SE(int)': Pb75_2se,
'rho 206Pb/238U v 207Pb/235U': rho
fn = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName()
if not fn:
raise Exception('No path provided')
Alternatively, you could adapt the python U-Pb DRS example to use different RMs for each ratio.
All the best,